What hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting will occur before, during and after school?
Before school resumes, each school building and program space will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. During the school day, the day custodians will actively clean frequently touched surfaces such as tables, door handles, bathrooms and other areas. During the day, surfaces that are shared will be disinfected in between each use. The day custodian will clean cafeteria tables, serving lines and related areas. Faculty and staff will be engaged in cleaning desks and any classroom tools that must be shared before each use. After school, the night cleaning crews will thoroughly clean and disinfect classrooms, frequently touched surfaces, bathrooms, locker rooms, offices and other areas as assigned.
How can the district support parents who require before and after school care?
The school district does not provide before or after school care; however, parents can contact their school main office for assistance identifying a community provider. Contact the Elementary School office at 518-568-2014 and the Jr/Sr High School office at 518-568-2011.
Who is the school district’s designated COVID-19 safety coordinator?
The Superintendent is the district’s designated COVID-19 safety coordinator. The COVID-19 safety coordinator will assure compliance with all aspects of the plan as well as any phased in activities that occur as a result of the plan’s implementation.
How will the district assure that it complies with all facility matters that support the reopening plan?
The Superintendent, along with the Director of Facilities, will assure compliance with facilities matters including safety drills, building condition and visual inspections. Lead water testing, drinking fountains, capital project work related to COVID-19 and any temporary use of locations requiring Office of Facilities Planning.
What will the instructional day look like; who will attend?
Our plan is prepared for several enrollment scenarios depending upon the guidance shared by the State Education Department and the Department of Health.
- All pre-kindergarten – grade 6 students will engage in a blended learning model with in-person instruction occurring two days per week. There will be an option for students to participate in a remote learning only format.
- Junior high and high school students in grades 7-12 will engage in a blended learning model with in-person instruction occurring two days on and 2 days off on a 6 day rotation.
- There will be an option for students to participate in a remote learning only format.
- Students will still be expected to follow a schedule on the days they are receiving online/remote instruction.
- Students will be accountable for attendance on all days.

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Each school building will develop a schedule that will promote physical distancing and limit cross interaction.
Students may be organized as a group or cohort. Consideration shall be given to limiting the amount of cross interaction between groups.
Students shall have a location to report to in the morning upon arrival to school. This location shall be supervised by an adult where social distancing can take place. If physical distancing can occur, larger instructional or program spaces may be used.
Consideration shall be given to facilitate teacher movement instead of class group movement where possible.
Staggered hallway movement shall be planned.
Staggered schedules for meals shall be planned.
Staggered schedules for dismissal will be utilized.
Each principal shall work with their building team to develop the daily instructional plan.
Here are the monthly schedules for the first few months:
How will attendance be taken?
Daily attendance will be taken during in-person and remote learning periods. During in-person instruction periods, attendance will be taken via a homeroom period. Attendance will be reported and recorded daily using the district student management system – SchoolTool.
How will chronic absenteeism be addressed?
Students must be meaningfully engaged on a daily basis in order to succeed academically and to maintain overall well being. During in-person instruction, regular attendance calls shall be made to homes; in addition, school intervention teams including the school principal, school counselor, social worker and other staff will communicate with students and parents who are absent for 5, 10, 15 or 20 days. The school district will collaborate with the Montgomery or Fulton County Department of Social Services and law enforcement to complete wellness checks. The school district attendance policy will be enforced.
What are the expectations for instructional activity for students not in session?
In the event that a student or group of students is not in attendance at school, they will be provided with a Chromebook device to access or complete learning assignments, practice, projects or other instructional activity when not in session. Clear expectations and accountability guidelines shall be shared with a recommended amount of time that shall be devoted on non-attendance days. These expectations and guidelines will be shared with the student and the parents. They will be consistent and they will consider issues such as student disability, preferred language and digital equity.
What is blended learning and how will it be used to facilitate student learning?
Blended learning combines in person instruction with online learning. Depending upon the attendance model required, students who are not in daily attendance will be asked to complete instructional activity at home. Google Classroom and Seesaw (PK-2) will be the primary learning management system used by the school district. Text (cell phone numbers) and email addresses will be collected at the beginning of the school year to facilitate communication between teachers, school staff, parents and students.
Other measures will be taken to provide students with access to the internet if possible. Some methods may include providing the student with a mobile hotspot or access to the internet on campus or in the community.
During a non-attendance school day students will be expected to attend their classes remotely.
For 2020/2021, students in grades K-12 will be provided with a Chromebook to support academic learning. Chromebooks will be allowed to be used at home on non-attendance school days and at other times as determined by the school and parents.
What activities including athletics and extracurricular activities will occur after school?
Social distancing, hygiene and protective equipment will be utilized with state and health department guidance to support any activity occurring after school.
Exercise that can occur safely with mitigation strategies will be encouraged.
Non-athletic extracurricular activities that can occur safely with mitigation strategies will be encouraged.
As of the writing of this document a decision has not been made regarding interscholastic sport competition. We recognize the importance of extracurricular activities for our students and will communicate this information as it becomes available.
How can the social emotional needs of students and staff be met as part of the reopening plan?
The school district maintains a comprehensive school counseling program and plan which addresses the developmental needs of all students. School counselors, school social workers, a school psychologist, and other school staff will collaborate with local agencies to support the needs of students, parents and staff.
During the opening weeks of school, each building will support opportunities for faculty and staff to work with their students to review safety procedures, develop coping strategies and resilience skills. Faculty and staff will receive professional development to support this work with students.
Parents may contact their school office to request a referral for mental health, behavioral, emotional support or other support programs.
Mitigation Strategy
Physical (Social) Distancing
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- Students and staff will be encouraged to use physical (social) distancing to the extent possible; students and staff should remain at least 6 feet from one another; if unable to physically distance, masks will be worn.
- Masks shall be worn when physical distancing cannot occur; masks should be worn in hallways, bathrooms (when practical); smaller instructional spaces, masks will be required on school transportation.
Mitigation Strategy
Physical Distancing
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- Student groups of no more than twelve (12) shall be organized for classroom spaces; larger student groups can be organized for larger instructional spaces if physical distancing can be implemented.
Mitigation Strategy
Hygiene, Cleaning and Disinfecting
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- Hand hygiene is a critical component of the plan;students and staff will be encouraged to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer multiple times during the school day
- Demonstrations of proper hand washing should be part of the opening days routine; elementary classrooms should consider incorporating hand washing into the school day; hand washing should occur before eating and after bathroom use. Hand sanitizer will be available; hand sanitizing stations will be visible and located strategically
Mitigation Strategy
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- Students will be organized by cohort where applicable.
- To the extent possible consideration shall be made to limit the interaction or student groups to limit potential exposure and to support contact tracing, if necessary
Mitigation Strategy
Personal Protective Equipment
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- Staff and students will be encouraged to wear masks when they cannot physically distance
- Masks will be available at each school office and the bus garage for those that do not have a mask.
- Each school bus will be provided with a quantity of masks.
- Protective shields may be installed in some campus offices to protect staff.
- Protective shields that can easily be worn by bus drivers and other staff that wish to wear a shield will be available. Staff will be asked to clean their shield when necessary, but at least daily.
- Cleaning material will be provided in each classroom. Students, who are given permission will be asked to clean and disinfect student desks before use. Staff will also support this cleaning and disinfecting process.
- Gloves will be available for students, school bus drivers and staff who wish to utilize them.
Mitigation Strategy
Screening (students)
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- Parents will be encouraged to keep children who are sick, symptomatic or who have been exposed to a symptomatic case home.
- Parents will be asked to confirm that their child has tested negative or has been free of symptoms for a minimum of fourteen (14) days before returning to school.
- Parents will be asked to screen their child before entering school. Parents will be asked to take their child’s temperature each morning and keep their child home if their child has an elevated temperature (100 degrees or higher) or expresses symptoms or displays symptoms of COVID-19.
- Student-athletes will be screened via questionnaire before each practice or contest.
Mitigation Strategy
Screening (visitors)
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- Visitors to campus will be limited. Any visitor to campus will be screened by school office staff by completing a questionnaire and temperature check. Office staff will wear a shield, mask and gloves when completing the screening
Mitigation Strategy
Screener (Personal Protective Equipment)
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- To the extent possible, students will be screened by parents and staff will screen and complete a digital screening form.
- Screeners shall be trained to confidentially complete the screening process. Screeners shall wear a shield, mask, and gloves. They will be trained on how to use a scan thermometer and complete the questionnaire.
- Students will be screened before participating in an inter or intra scholastic athletic or extracurricular activity, practice, event or contest.
Teaching and Learning Flexibility - In-person instruction and remote learning will facilitate learning. Efforts shall be made to assure equity in instruction for all students. Instruction will be standards based and there will be substantive daily interaction between teacher, staff and students.
- During remote learning, there will be meaningful daily interaction between teachers, students and parents. This will be achieved via application, video conferencing, phone or email.
- In-person instruction will occur with student groups of no greater than 15 students.
- In-person instruction will include a focus upon standards based instruction that includes a blend of hands on and when necessary virtual science labs and other meaningful learning activities.
Mitigation Strategy
Blended Learning Technology and Connectivity
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- Parents, students and teachers shall receive information and access training to support a quality blended learning environment.
- Clear expectations will be established for student work and grading.
- Parents will be asked to require learning structure when home and will understand that if academic assignments are not done or are incomplete, the student grade will be impacted.
Mitigation Strategy
Special Education
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- The needs of all students with disabilities will be met through the provision of a free public education ( FAPE). The health, safety and education of students with disabilities will include meaningful student and parent engagement and the assurance that all elements of the child’s individualized education plan are met.
- School staff will access all available resources to support the instructional, technological and social emotional needs of students with disabilities.
- Documentation and communication with parents will be prompt, clear and meaningful.
- In-person education is a priority for students with disabilities who are in a self contained classroom. Efforts shall be made to support in-person instruction to the fullest extent possible.
- Special education teachers and related service providers will monitor the progress of all students on their caseload and will communicate with parents and school administrators
- All special education students will receive the special education/related services listed on their Individualized Educational Program ( IEP) whether they are in school or taking part in remote learning.
Mitigation Strategy
Bilingual Education English Language Learners (if needed)
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- Aligned with the “Blueprint for ELL/MLL Success”, services for English Language Learners will be coordinated and monitored by school staff to support the academic proficiency and overall well being of the student.
Mitigation Strategy
After School Extracurricular Activities Including clubs and athletics
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- If permitted to occur, physical distancing, screening and proper hygiene practices will be adapted to support these activities.
- Section II, athletic league, referees and others shall provide direction for safely conducting athletic activity, practices, and competition.
- School extracurricular activities can occur when following safety guidelines and when transportation can be provided by the school district or by the parent.
Mitigation Strategy
Hygiene, Cleaning and Disinfecting
Before, During and After the Instructional Day Plan Detail
- During the school day, cleaning staff will be disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.
- School staff and students will be encouraged to wash their hands frequently and to disinfect surfaces before each use.
- Night cleaning crews will disinfect classrooms, bathrooms, offices, locker rooms, hallways, cafeteria and frequently touched surfaces with cleaning material that will sanitize these surfaces, cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces.