The purpose of the district transportation program is to transport students to and from school, to transport them for extracurricular activities, to transport them on field trips, and to transport those requiring special services. Bus routes are authorized by the Board of Education and any requests for a change must be submitted to the Superintendent of School or designee.
Transportation to Child Care Locations
The district shall provide transportation to any child attending grades K-8 between the school a child legally attends and a child care location within the district. Transportation before and/or after school requires a written request from a parent or legal guardian by April 1 preceding the next school year or within 30 days after establishing residence in the district.
Student Transportation on School Sponsored Field Trips and to Extracurricular Activities
When the school provides transportation to students for a school-sponsored activity or event, it will also provide return transportation unless the parent or legal guardian of a participating student has given the district written notice authorizing an alternative form of return transportation for their student. If intervening circumstances make return transportation impractical, a chaperone or other representative of the school will remain with the student until the student’s parent or guardian has been contacted and informed of the intervening circumstances, and the student has been delivered to his/her parent or guardian.
School Bus Safety Program
The safe transportation of students to and from school is of primary concern in the administration of the school bus program. All state laws and regulations pertaining to the safe use of school buses shall be observed by drivers, students and school personnel. To assure the safety and security of students boarding or exiting school buses on school property, it shall be unlawful for a driver of a vehicle to pass a stopped school bus when the red bus signal is in operation.
Bus Rules and Regulations
The Oppenheim-Ephratah-St. Johnsville Central School District furnishes transportation to those students whose disability or distance from the school make the service essential. Except as otherwise mandated in a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), riding these buses is a privilege and may be withdrawn if the student does not comply with the rules and regulations set forth in this district.
Bus drivers shall be held responsible for reasonable and acceptable behavior of students while riding the school bus. Students riding school buses are expected to conform to the rules of conduct in order to permit the bus driver to transport his or her passengers safely.
The Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools and/or his or her designee has the authority to suspend the transportation privileges of children who are disorderly and insubordinate on buses. Generally, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be required to make alternative transportation arrangements for their children who have been suspended from riding the bus. However, the effect of a suspension from transportation on the student’s ability to attend school will be considered. If a suspension from transportation effectively results in a suspension from attendance because of the distance between the home and the school and the absence of alternative public or private means of transportation, the district shall make appropriate arrangements to provide for the student’s education.
Video Cameras On School Buses
Video cameras may be used to monitor student behavior on school vehicles transporting students to and from school or extracurricular activities. Students found violating bus conduct rules would be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the district’s code of conduct.