Capital Project information

In November 2018, the school district began work on a $24.016 million capital project was approved by the community on Dec. 13, 2016. There was projected to be no tax impact from the project. The state Education Department gave its final blessing in late August 2018.

Construction is expected to be done over two years, ending by the spring of 2020. Here’s an overview of the project:

  • demolition of the maintenance building at the Jr./Sr. High School and construction of new agriculture/tech classrooms
  • renovation of four science classrooms and associated roofing at the Elementary School
  • addition of an elementary auditorium.
  • roofing work at both schools – except for possibly the work above the elementary science rooms – would be done next summer, 2019.
  • relocation/renovation of several rooms at the Jr./Sr. High School, such as the main office, Distance Learning classroom and science rooms.

Here are stories related to the capital project:

December 20, 2018: /construction-humming-along-at-both-schools/

October 25, 2018: /capital-project-groundbreaking-kicks-off-two-year-construction/